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Strengths and Weaknesses of Raster and Vector Graphics

               Strengths and Weaknesses of Raster and Vector Graphics

Raster images form detailed, sharp pictures based upon a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" capturing mechanism, such as a digital camera, that is far less computationally intensive than the equivalent image rendered as a vector graphic. However, because of pixelation, raster graphics cannot be significantly changed from their original intended size and resolution.

Vector images cannot match the sharpness and detail of raster images, but because they are redrawn every time they are displayed, vector graphics can be transformed to a significantly different size shape without visual loss and distortion.

             *Raster                                            *Vector            

- Good photographic detail.                   - Can't be used for photos
- Don't scale (zoom) well.                      - Don't pixelate
                                                             - Scale (zoom) well
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